CanOpener™ can not replace resources in open resource files. Resource types must have 4 letters only. (You may use a space character if you wish) Resource ID numbers must be in the range of -32768 to 32767. There is not enough memory to retrieve this data. There are too many "Working Directories". Close some applications or restart your Macintosh. Sorry, CanOpener™ cannot get the data for this item. Sorry, the resource fork of this file is open and it is unsafe to add resources to it. Please make a copy of the file to work with. Sorry, couldn't create a new file with this name. A file by this name may already exist and be open. The clipboard does not support sound. Sorry, doing this will result in a full disk. You can't do this to a CanOpener™ Library. You may not do this with more than one item selected. You must have an item selected to do this. CanOpener™ has found the string in too many files. Please narrow down the search by specifying a longer string. CanOpener™ cannot safely add item ^1 to file "^2". To open CanOpener™ Libraries, choose "Open Library" from the File menu. CanOpener™ is having trouble opening this file. There is not enough memory to do this. There is not enough memory to run CanOpener™.